TX: Jefferson Co. D.A.: Zero tolerance for sex offenders


Jefferson County District Attorney Bob Wortham tells KFDM News that his office has zero tolerance for sex offenders and will not support a sentence of probation for anyone convicted of a sex offense.

Wortham said the holiday season is a time when sex crimes often increase.

He says 90 percent of the offenders know their victims.

In fact, he said, of the 150 cases set for trial in Jefferson County, all but one are cases in which the offender knows the victim.

Wortham urges parents to talk with their children about improper touching.




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This clown needs to resign his post before innocent people get hurt.

Zero tolerance for sex offenders, he will not give any probation, yet just today in Texas (this DA’s state) a police officer was killed by a man who has had multiple felonies of drug dealing, violent crimes, robberies, guns, and more, yet was out walking the streets creating more mayhem, death and destruction. On Thanksgiving Day he kills a police officer. How many RSO’s have murdered police officers in cold blood? Has there ever been such an incident? The whole problem is the confused justice system operating on knee jerk reactions from the politicians wanting to get reelected. SO’s in general have a 3% recidivism rate, that is pretty darn low. Most NEVER reoffend, and a fraction of a percent are actually inherently violent people.

^Eric, I was thinking the same thing about that Texas repeat, repeat, repeat Felon & killer. WTF!!!!!!

I recently went to my legislator to tell him that our “though on crime” policy doesn’t work. Many victims don’t want the harsh punishments being given, and is only keeping them from disclosing abuse. Many victims just want the abuse to stop. Yet, our system wants to harm them more by using them again and tell them their opinions don’t matter (if it doesn’t align with the prosecution’s). Why give decades when the reoffense rates are so low. Why spend $60k+|yr to keep them incarcerated when they won’t reoffend? Why not use that money on education and prevention programs aimed at stopping and preventing abuse before it happens.

My legislator said that I gave him a lot to think about, certainty a change in the way he thinks. Coming from a Republican who used to work as a prosecutor.

Change is coming, and we have the power to help with that change, by showing up, standing up and speaking up.